Sternklare Zahnschmerzen - Die CD


Wenn ich ein liebevolles Geschenk bekomme, von jemanden den ich nicht mag, wie nennt man das, was ich empfinde? Die Sehnsucht nach einem Menschen, den wir nicht mehr mögen, diese Qual und diesen Groll - wie nennt man das?

Clarice Lispector (1920-1977)


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am 16.08.2023 schrieb Blessing Michael:

Please beware of imposters; ALPHA KEY is the actual hacker out there. There are a lot of hackers out there making false claims. This so-called group of hackers has duped me twice. If you need a hacker mail, use with caution; I can attest to their effectiveness. Send them off today, and you'll finish your task.



am 16.08.2023 schrieb Blessing Michael:

Please beware of imposters; ALPHA KEY is the actual hacker out there. There are a lot of hackers out there making false claims. This so-called group of hackers has duped me twice. If you need a hacker mail, use with caution; I can attest to their effectiveness. Send them off today, and you'll finish your task.



am 03.08.2023 schrieb Amália Benjamín:
I am a living proof that bitcoin is recoverable, therefore yes, it is genuine. If so, you are not alone; it has happened to me. If you've ever had bitcoins taken from your wallet or invested in an investment platform that turned out to be a hoax, I feel for you. Due to investing with completely unqualified individuals, I first lost $39,600 usd in a matter of months. As soon as I contacted the appropriate officials, they suggested that I contact Jeanson James Ancheta wizard, a bitcoin recovery company. This cryptocurrency organisation assisted me in getting all of my money back in less than two days. I'm coming up to increase the public's understanding of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard and to assist you if you have already suffered a loss. Send them an email by simply using: ( or WhatsApp number: +4531898073 or Telegram number: +4571398534.


am 03.08.2023 schrieb Amália Benjamín:
I am a living proof that bitcoin is recoverable, therefore yes, it is genuine. If so, you are not alone; it has happened to me. If you've ever had bitcoins taken from your wallet or invested in an investment platform that turned out to be a hoax, I feel for you. Due to investing with completely unqualified individuals, I first lost $39,600 usd in a matter of months. As soon as I contacted the appropriate officials, they suggested that I contact Jeanson James Ancheta wizard, a bitcoin recovery company. This cryptocurrency organisation assisted me in getting all of my money back in less than two days. I'm coming up to increase the public's understanding of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard and to assist you if you have already suffered a loss. Send them an email by simply using: ( or WhatsApp number: +4531898073 or Telegram number: +4571398534.


am 14.03.2020 schrieb Pascal:
Lieber Detlev heute bin ich mal wider auf deine CD
Gestoßen und. Direkt mal wider angehört und wider
Habe ich gemerkt das du mal wider ein neues Programm
Machen. Könntes ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen
Uns. Würde auch zum Konzert kommen

LG pascal